Sunday, June 10, 2007

Back ON

Saturday the 16th. I'll be available at 9:00 pm. If anyone doesn't have their copies of any game, I have them, so I can mail them to you. Let me know!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

week off

All right- that's a week off- at least.

Will everyone please send me an email or message that contains the best times for you to try and wan? I'd like to get more people involved in these, for everyone's benefit.

I'll be in port angeles this upcoming weekend, so I won't be hosting a WAN.

Friday, June 1, 2007

no news is good news

There's another wan tomorrow night, saturday the 2nd. The same games are on the roster: BF1942, SOFII, Dawn Of War: winter assault/dark crusade, if you can get it. What do you guys think about dusting off Jedi Knight 3? Any other games you wish we were playing?

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dawn Of War: Winter Assault

Okay, here goes.

Dawn of war is a huge game. Its expansion, winter assault, is also huge. But Dark Crusade.... is just ridiculous.

Anyways, with that out of the way, I'm proposing a 5 round lan, starting tomorrow at 5:00 pst. For the first round, we'll play two or three matches of Dawn Of War, with the gamespeed turned up so that we might be finished in time to actually play another game.
From there, we'll move into Soldier of Fortune II. We'll warm up with some deathmatch, then play a few rounds of demolition, then a few rounds with the ol' briefcase. Moving on from there, we'll play a not so patriotic round of us against them, shooting down on bots in Omaha Bitch, move on to a game or two of Capture the flag, back to Co-op (to bring the bots back in) and play on Bocage, Gazala and Berlin, then move back to a game or two of Dawn of War, then bookend with a final few matches of Soldier of Fortune II.
Of course, this is just how I see it- it may of course happen in a completely different fashion.

I strongly encourage everyone to get teamspeak and get on it. Even if you don't have a microphone, I promise you it will strongly improve the experience.
I'll see you all tomorrow night!

Edit: Would everyone please hit me with their preferred method of contact at drkleestak(at) ? email would be pretty ideal, but whatever method you check most often.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Halo is out

Next Week, Soldier of Fortune 2, Bf1942: desert combat 0.7, and Dawn of War.

Great showing last night everyone. It was way cool to see some of you guys again, it's been way too long. I'll update tomorrow with links.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Looking forward to Saturday the 19th

That's tomorrow night. I'm really excited by the possibility of this working, but I have to admit that I'm not entirely salient that anybody will show up. I think it would be awesome if we could all reliably get together online and whip each other's asses, or maybe team up online and play DoW or Counterstrike or anything, really.
Tomorrow Night. Halo: Custom Edition (you need the installer to the right, and a cd) and BF1942.
I'm thinking we'll log on to Maureen's Teamspeak server (teamspeak link to the right) and be able to reach out and crap on someone. I'll post Maureen's teamspeak server IP tonight.

I'll turn on my Hamachi client tonight and Halo:Custom Edition and leave it running, so you guys can log on and check to see if it's working.

If you have games that you want to see played on these WANs, tonight is the night to speak up- this isn't me being tyrannical, there is a democracy.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ok good work crew

Last night, after some serious troubleshooting, G, H and I managed to get Hamachi up and running, and played some Halo. It turns out that AVP2 just can't handle Hamachi's witchcraft, which is a shame.
I found a list of compatible games at Hamachi's website- it includes Halo, bf1942 and Dawn of War, so we're 90% good to go online anytime.

Note: Hamachi won't work outside of dynamic range ip configuration; don't try and set it to 10.1.2. whatever. Also, be sure to turn off whatever firewalls you are using, or reconfigure them to allow Hamachi to run properly.

That being said, I had a good, if short, time last night kicking Hope's ass with the Plasma Grenades, and I hope we can do it again soon.

Note to everyone who played yesterday; We need to switch to Halo: CE- link on the right- so that we can use additional maps, and cut patches out of our diet. Use the same cd keys. Email me if you've lost your cd key- I kept a file with them all and everyone's names associated to them.

So, I'm thinking Next saturday night, 9:30, Halo and bf 1942? any takers?

This is the part where I tell you how awesome it would be if we all had Half-Life 2, and how we could totally play Zombie Master, the best mod ever. Honest to god, folks, it's like $40, and not only does it come with a totally rad single player experience, there's a hojillion mods for it, and the kind of things these mods can do are amazing. Not to mention that we could play Counter-strike: Source, which I hear some people like. Like, oh, nearly a MILLION FREAKING PEOPLE AT A TIME on average.

So, In recap: Install hamachi, don't configure it. Turn of firewalls. Join Paownzed pass:angeles. Play Halo and BF1942. Saturday. 9:30 pm. Buy Half-Life2 from the link on the right. Please. I will run the Kenshin game again if everyone buys HL2. Also, I quit City Of Heroes, because everyone else did and I was lonely.

Next Week, I'll be running a teamspeak server to accompany the games. I'll post the IP on the right during the week, I can't remember it right now. Half-Life 2 comes with in-game voice chat- no external programs necessary!

Okay, so everybody knows what a wan is

Okay, the WAN address you'll be using, through the Hamachi program, is
the network name is paownzed , and the password is angeles .
I'll be playing avp2 before 9:30 p.m. I hope to see someone on!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


This is the best way that I know of to quickly disseminate information about possible upcoming lans/rpgs for the P.A. Crowd that I know, and to keep us all on the same... page? (ba-dump-psh!)

On the right, you'll find a list of all the games we're currently playing at Lan parties, a not for when the next Lan party will be, a list of ongoing roleplaying games that I know of and when to play those. There's also going to be a box for WANnning.


Wide Area Networking people. Keep up.

Basically, as awesome as it is to set up our computers together and yell at each other across the room, it's infinetely more practical of us to log onto a webserver and shoot each other that way. We can even use Teamspeak to yell at each other!

I'll be posting links to the most recent patches for our games also in a box on the right. I hope this works out for us.